Great Pacific Harmony

5th Pan Pacific Convention

October 30 - November 2, 2008 Honolulu, Hawaii

Contact: Don Raymond, Convention Chairman Rick Klemm, Publicity

News Advisory - July 2007

Schedule Your Trip Now to the 5th Pan Pacific Convention in Honolulu

The 5th Pan Pacific Convention for barbershoppers in October 2008 is just around the corner — really. Be ready to sign up as soon as event registration forms are available because seating at the competition site will be limited. Your hosts, the Sounds of Aloha Chorus and its members, are nearing completion of the convention arrangements and expect to have registration materials out soon.

In the meantime, you can make your room reservations at the Ala Moana Hotel, your convention headquarters. The hotel is located next to Ala Moana Center, one of the largest shopping malls in the U.S., and Ala Moana Beach Park, with family friendly beaches and picnic areas. Go to to download the hotel registration form.

The competition will take place at the historic Hawaii Theatre (, rich in history with barbershop singing. The Sounds of Aloha was the first act to reopen the restored theater in May 1996 and has held its annual show there ever since. All the seats in the house are good ones, but as noted above they are limited.

As in prior conventions, the convention will feature barbershop singers from New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Alaska, Hawaii, and other parts of the Far Western and Evergreen Districts.

It’s not too early to get out the pitch pipes, warm up the chords and start rehearsing your competition songs because October 30, 2008 just isn’t that far off. And if you are fans of barbershop singing, then it’s time to pull out the suitcases.
